
Our YouTube Channel - British Buses and Trams...

Check out our NEW 'Buses On The Move' videos Here: *Buses On The Move*


Just Bus Photos (Updated)

Hi, I’m Jim Ackroyd

I was a bus and coach driver for over forty years both here in the city of Doncaster UK and in Auckland, New Zealand, I met many people with the same interests.

A group of friends and I used to go out regularly taking photos of buses and trams. We used to share our photos with each other, so I’ve amassed a large collection of photos over the years. I’ve also had a couple of very large collections of old bus and tram photos left to me in wills.

Unfortunately, I lost all my New Zealand bus photos when an external hard drive stopped working.* I've recently found a couple of NZ bus photos amongst some family pics. If you are interested, take a look here

Now I’ve worked out how to make video slideshows, I’ve decided to share my photos on You Tube, so I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy sharing them.

Our new series called 'Buses on the Move' is now LIVE! Check it out.

All external links to YouTube etc. will open in a new tab so you can return here easily.

To help make this venture worthwhile I’d like to ask you to ‘Subscribe’ to my channel and ‘ring’ the little bell icon so you can be informed of future uploads.

Please enjoy my work and share it with your friends. Thank you for watching and PLEASE comment below each video, thanks.

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